中医师 Physician
刘志玲医师,资深中医师,新加坡中医师工会会员。2002年毕业于中国广州中医药大学,并正式拜入美国著名针灸专家、针法大师刘伟教授门下。刘志玲医师有近20年的丰富临床经验,针灸功底深厚,擅用刘氏风筝针法治病救人,屡获奇效! 刘志玲中医师临床经验丰富,行医多年累积了过千例的验案效案。善长治疗各类痛症、妇科病、不孕不育、内科、儿科,皮肤科疾病,疑难杂症等。

Dr Liu Zhiling, Senior Chinese Physician, is a member of the Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association. She graduated from Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China in 2002 and came under the tutelage of Professor Liu Wei, a well-known Acupuncture Master in the United States. With 20 years of clinical experience and in-depth skill in acupuncture, specializing in Liu's Kite-Acupuncture. Dr Liu has successfully helped and saved countless people in the area of pain relief, gynaecological diseases, infertility conditions, internal medicine, paediatrics, dermatology diseases, and other complex medical conditions.