Liu's Kite-Acupuncture
风筝针法是师父刘伟教授独创的五大针法系统之一,讲究针人合一,气意相融,以手针相应或针针相应,沟通患者身体之间的能量导引,进一步让医患之间,甚至与天地四时相应,从而使一气周流,人体达到圆融平衡的零和状态。具有用针少,疗效快的特点,在不知不觉中完成治疗过程,产生立竿见影的显著效果。Liu’s Kite-Acupuncture is one of the five acupuncture specialties of Professor Liu Wei, which enables energy (Qi 气) flow between needle and hand or needle and needle. This method provides a synergy between the doctor and the patient, resulting in good energy (Qi 气) balance in the patient’s body. Comparing to other common acupuncture methods, Liu’s Kite-Acupuncture uses fewer needles yet results in an immediate and significant improvement of the patient’s medical condition.

Professor Liu Wei is a well-known Chinese acupuncture master in the United States. He is a prominent and beloved speaker at different TCM conferences and programs, such as the Pacific Symposium, Great River Symposium and the international acupuncture courses at Harvard Medical School. In 2016, he was appointed as the guest professor and committee member of the Experts Committee by China-America Acupuncture Rehabilitation Institute and established the Dr Liu’s Acupuncture Workshop. In 2017, Dr Liu was appointed as the guest professor by Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, and was selected by the Chinese 100 Overseas Projects as one of the first ten TCM experts abroad.