患者感言 Testimonial
痛症 Pain Management
吕女士 Madam Ler
大約八个多月前,我的左脚开始有点不太舒服。因活动如常,我並不以为意也无特意呵护。直到半年前的一天,我走路时出现的疼痛真是难以忍受。在无可奈何之下,唯有听从我先生的建议,到他常去的针灸推拿处做针灸治疗。可是回来后未见起色。儿子建议我给西医照x光,以判断何处出问题。但我深怕X光对身体的影响及可能会面对开刀手术的医治,于是我只有尽量小心动作及忍受疼痛。两个月前更出现小腿紧绷的疼痛,尤其是躺平时,小腿也会疼痛难当。这时我脑海中出现找中医做治疗的念头,于是便上网搜寻,出现眼前的即是欣中医。再仔细了解知悉是女医师,正合我意,而其针灸技术获得许多病者的一致认可,精湛高超。感恩佛菩萨的恩典,让我认识刘医师。 刘医师问诊细心,耐心聆听我的陈述病情,并把脉、看舌苔,她察觉我的左脚温度高有发炎。我对针有恐惧但刘医师的针灸技艺真棒,有时都感觉不到针已插入皮肤,真棒! 第一次针灸后立即感觉左脚轻松舒服多了。另刘医师对足跟痛的治疗也一级棒,她知道足跟对应的头穴点,轻松地一次便医好我的左足跟痛。不像以前我被扎针足底时那般恐惧。谢谢刘医师! 经过刘医师六次的针灸及配合中草药治疗,加上刘医生教导的运动和饮食注意,我的左脚现已大致恢复如常了。儿子年底要带我和我先生出国旅行,到时也不会让儿子大失所望了。
About eight months ago, I started having some discomfort in my left foot. Since the activities were going on as usual, I didn’t take it seriously and didn’t take special care of it. Until half a year ago, the pain was unbearable when I was walking. With no choice but to follow my husband's advice, I went to the acupuncture and massage place he often went to for acupuncture treatment. But there was no improvement after coming back. My son suggested that I get an X-ray from a Western doctor to determine what was wrong. But I was deeply afraid of the impact of X-rays on my body and the possibility of surgery, so I had no choice but to move carefully and endure the pain. Two months ago, I developed tightness and pain in my calves, and when I lay down, my calves were in excruciating pain. At this time, the idea of seeking treatment from a Chinese medicine practitioner came to my mind, so I searched online and found HTCM. After reading their website, I found out that she is a female doctor, which was exactly what I wanted. Her acupuncture skills have been unanimously recognized by many patients as superb. I am grateful to the Buddha and Bodhisattva for allowing me to know Dr. Liu. Dr. Liu was very attentive during the consultation, patiently listened to the description of my condition, took my pulse and looked at the coating on my tongue. She noticed that my left foot was hot and inflamed. I was afraid of needles, but Dr. Liu’s acupuncture skills were so good that sometimes I couldn’t even feel the needles. It has been inserted into the skin, which is great! After the first acupuncture, I immediately felt that my left foot was much more relaxed and comfortable. In addition, Dr. Liu’s treatment of heel pain was also excellent. She knew the corresponding acupuncture points on the heel and easily cured my left heel pain in one go. I was not as scared as I used to be when I had acupuncture on my foot. Thank you, Dr. Liu! After six sessions of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine treatment by Dr. Liu, as well as recommended exercise and diet by Dr Liu, my left foot has returned to normal. My son will be taking my husband and me on a trip abroad at the end of the year, and he won’t be disappointed by that time.
黄女士 Madam Wong
My yoga friend recommended me to see Dr Liu, and I have been seeing Dr Liu for many years for my health issues. Dr Liu’s acupuncture skill is different from another TCM place that I went before.
Recently, I had very bad shoulder and lower back pain issues. Through Dr Liu’s acupuncture treatment, I feel much better.
谭女士 Madam Tham
Dr Liu is knowledgeable, kind and patient. I went to her clinic after I did some research on line and particularly because the location is near to where I stay. I was seeking treatment for my sprained and swollen left ankle after a fall. Dr Liu is very experienced and her acupuncture skill is superb. After 2 treatments, I was able to walk normally without limping as the pain has gone away. During my visits, Dr Liu never fail to give me valuable advice on how I should take care of my well-being. I am truly grateful and happy that I have found the right and best TCM physician. Thank you so much Dr Liu, you are amazing!
张先生 Mr Chong
以前我总以为针灸是无效的,当涉及到肌肉损伤时,针灸只是能暂时缓解症状而已。 而在我访问欣中医后,我发觉原来我错了。受损肌肉的肿胀和疼痛可以通过针灸治疗明显缓解,而且几天后肿痛可完全消失而康复。刘医生的独特技术让我大开眼界。除了肌肉损伤修复之外,经过几个月的规律针灸治疗,我的肾功能读数同样有所改善。我相信如果你经常做针灸可以改善你的健康。强烈推荐欣中医给那些想通过针灸寻求中医治疗的人。
I used to think that acupuncture was ineffective and could only temporarily relieve the symptoms for muscle damage. After I visited HTCM, I realized that I was wrong. The swelling and pain of my damaged muscles was significantly relieved by acupuncture treatment, and the swelling and pain was completely resolved after a few days. Dr. Liu's unique skill has been an eye-opener for me. In addition to muscle damage repair, my kidney function readings also improved after a few months of regular acupuncture treatment. I believe that if you do acupuncture regularly, you can improve your health. I highly recommend HTCM to those who want to seek TCM acupuncture treatment.
李小姐 Ms Lee
Dr Liu’s acupuncture skills are superb. I first came with persistent pain at the middle of my back due to bad posture. On top of that, I was also plagued with bad stomach ache. After a few sessions with her, the “block” in my back improved significantly. Recently, I have come back for acupuncture at my ankle. My ankle was stiff from an old sprain that failed to get better after immediate tuina. I trust Dr Liu as her acupuncture abilities are superior to other TCM practitioners. She is able to identify the body parts/ spots linked to the problem area and work her needles in tandem. Although it is more expensive than those of smaller TCM clinics, you can be sure to experience better results. As compared to other bigger brand names, she is no doubt more effective, even at a slightly lower price than them.
哈拜斯太太 Mrs Habais
欣中医是我一生中得到的一大惊喜。 我是西方风格,以前从未尝试过或有任何中医体验。 几年前,在我生命中的一场健康大地震之后,我开始对中医感兴趣, 开始阅读它,并越来越迷恋。我在六月短期来到新加坡,我做的第一件事就是寻找评价很高并且有良好反馈的中医诊所。 我特别喜欢新加坡的HTCM诊所,并预约了我的第一次预约。 这真是太神奇了:治疗回来后,我第一次晚上9点能入睡了。我如释重负... 我又预约了3次,希望我能有更多的治疗机会。 我每天都在期待我的预约治疗。 这真的会是我特别从摩洛哥飞到新加坡的目的之一。 非常感谢医生的神奇双手,感谢你让我的身体从多重痛苦中解脱出来,感谢你很好的了解我的身体,并尽你最大的努力帮助,即使是在我希望永远不会结束的这段短暂的时间内。 谢谢 🙏
HTCM is a great surprise I got in my life. I am occidental style, never tried or had any TCM experience before. I started being interested in TCM few years ago, after a big health earthquake in my life. Started reading about it and got facinated more and more. I came to Singapore for short period in June, first thing I have done is looking for very well rated TCM center with good feedback. I liked specially the HTCM Clinic at Singapore and booked my first appointment. It was just amazing; I slept for the first time since a while at 9pm right after being back. I felt relieved… I took 3 more appointments and wished I could have more. I was everyday looking to my appointment to come. This is really one of the experiences I would definitely even come specifically from Morocco to Singapore just for that. Thank you so much Doctor for your magic hands, for relieving my body from multiple pains, for understanding so good my body and doing your best helping out even for this short period that I wished would never end. Thank you 🙏
刘女士Madam Liu
I have long heard of Dr. Liu's miraculous acupuncture technique and travelled across the Pacific Ocean for treatment. I have been paralyzed in my hands for 8 years, and it has worsened in the past 6 years. Especially when sleeping at night, the hand numbness was obvious and when it was serious, the hand numbness woke me up, and my hand looked swollen like a sausage, as if bitten by thousands of ants... I have seen Western medicine doctors who told me that surgery is required to completely solve the problem. Dr. Liu pricked a needle in my wrist and one on my ear near the head, and I felt like an electric current running through. After 2 treatments, the hand numbness was greatly relieved, and there was no hand numbness when I slept at night. Thanks to Dr. Liu's miraculous acupuncture which has solved my stubborn illness for many years... Thank you so much!
姚女士 Madam Yao
爸爸突然的腿痛脚麻,头麻加听力下降让我非常的担心。经过朋友介绍,立刻来找刘医师。诊断时刘医师非常耐心,友善。把脉问诊后,刘医师说出的病因和推断出我爸的生活状态都准得让我惊讶。针灸第一次后头麻的现象就好多了, 耳朵的听力也稍有好转。
Dad's sudden leg pain, feet and head numbness, coupled with hearing loss, made me very worried. After being introduced by a friend, he immediately went to Dr Liu. Dr Liu was very patient and friendly during the diagnosis. After taking my father’s pulse, Dr Liu's description of the cause and inference of my father's life situation surprised me. After the first acupuncture session, the numbness in the head is much reduced, and the hearing of the ear is slightly improved. Due to my father's serious problem, we seek treatment 5 times in a row, twice a week acupuncture combined with Chinese medicine to regulate physical fitness. The feeling of numbness in the head and feet was basically gone. The leg pain was greatly relieved and hearing much improved. Dad felt joyful.
Dad gradually moved to weekly treatment and after 6 treatments, he has recovered. Thank you very much Dr. Liu!
李先生 Mr Li
More than 20 months after my femur neck fracture operation, the muscles near the hip joint are still tight after several physio-therapy and Chinese herbal acupuncture treatments elsewhere. I saw HTCM on the internet and read about Dr Liu's kite acupuncture and decided to see her.
Dr Liu listened to my condition in detail and patiently explained my current cause and her treatment plan. After two acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatments, my muscle was much more relaxed without having to do excessive physical stretching like I used to do. Now, after 4 treatment sessions with Dr Liu, it is worth mentioning that I can clearly feel the atrophied muscles near the surgical incision are recovering, and I can walk more vigorously. While regulating my muscles and bones, Dr Liu also helped me regulate my viscera and yin/yang issues to achieve a holistic recovery.
陈女士 Madam Tan
我今年56嵗,不但有高胆固醇的问题,肩膀和后背还长期僵硬酸痛。 那日因肩背痛得忍无可忍感觉似要中风, 就决定通过网络寻找中医时而看到欣中医诊所的网页。 我看到欣中医高大上的门面后對治疗费用有所顧慮而犹豫不决,但 经我先生的再三劝説, 我决定给自己和欣中医一个机会。
來診之前我一直想拔罐和放血。見到劉醫師后,她非常詳細的检查了我的颈肩背,告诉我肩背肌肉肿胀得厉害,暂时不可拔罐,盲目拔罐反而会加重病情。她跟我提出了合適的治療方式:應該先单纯针灸治疗和吃药调理身体。得知我平常饮水很少,饮食不注意,刘医师提醒我除了接受中医针灸治疗,日常还需要饮食忌口来配合治疗。通过第一次治疗针灸和吃药,立即见到很好的效果,整个人感觉很放鬆。我知道自己找对医师。第二次刘医师在针灸治疗的基础上加走罐治疗 。以前只是尝试过拔罐(感覺拔罐很痛),第一次尝试走罐是一个很好的体验,好像按摩般非常舒服,做完以后感觉‘鬆到心裏去‘,之前那种胸口压迫的感觉都消失了。
欣中医的前台员工很温柔,服务态度很好,让我很安心的来就医。刘医师不盲从患者的要求, 坚持对症下药, 我觉得她很有良心。很开心我找对了医师。虽然价钱不便宜,但我认爲物超所值也会坚持来让医师医治,因爲我见到很好的效果。很感恩刘医师和前台工作人员的服务,给你们一个讚。
I am 56 years old, not only do I have high cholesterol problem, I also suffer from chronic upper back and shoulder pain. I began searching online for TCM when the pain became unbearable, and I came across HTCM Clinic. Initially, I hesitated and worried about the treatment cost due to the luxurious facade of HTCM Clinic, but I decided to give it a try after repeated persuasions from my husband.
Dr. Liu Zhiling of HTCM Clinic is very patient. On my first visit, she examined my neck, shoulder and back and told me that my muscles were swollen. She treated me with acupuncture and medicine, instead of cupping or bloodletting (which I have asked for when I entered her consultation room) because these would aggravate my condition. Knowing that I usually drink very little water and do not pay attention to my diet, Dr Liu also advised me on proper healthy diet coupled with TCM acupuncture treatment. I felt immediate improvement after the first treatment, my body was relaxed, and I knew I have found the right TCM Physician. On my second visit, Dr. Liu added ‘moving cupping therapy’ on top of acupuncture treatment. I have tried cupping but not this ‘moving cupping therapy’, which is comfortable and felt like massage. My body was fully relaxed, and the chest tightness was completely gone too.
Staff of HTCM Clinic are welcoming and have friendly attitude which make me feel comfortable seeking treatment here. Personally, I always wanted cupping and bloodletting, but Dr Liu doesn’t take patient’s request blindly. She is patient in explaining to me in detail about my condition and the suitable types of treatment required. I'm glad I found the right doctor who has good conscience. Although the treatment fee is not low, it is value for the money spent. I will continue my treatment because of the positive result I experienced.
I am very grateful and thumbs up to Dr. Liu and her clinic staff!
余女士 Madam Yui
刘志玲医师很温柔细心,她很耐心听我诉说我的问题,她也很用心的检查我身体的状况。经过她很详细的解释和鼓励,我终于愿意尝试针灸。我还记得很清楚当她要下第一针的时候,我整个人是非常紧张,整身绷紧的不得了。刘医师用温柔的语气边不断跟我交谈来让我放松,边轻轻的,不知不觉的下了第一针,第二针 .... 我慢慢地就不害怕紧张了。接着下来,我就把整个身体放心又放松的交给了刘医师。针灸了一个疗程,我的偏头痛发作次数也就越来越少了。不止如此,由于我吃太多特强的止痛药,我的胃部也不舒服,开始有胃酸倒流和胃痛的问题,刘医师除了针灸也配合药粉的治疗,经过一段时期的治疗,慢慢我的脾胃也已经有好转了。有了刘医师这位良医,我很安心。接着下来,年复一年,我其他的身理问题,如: 更年期的问题,我的恐慌症,都一一有了很大的改善。现在,刘医师终于实现了她的理想,开了《欣》中医诊所,我也来到《欣》,安心让刘医师调理我的肠胃问题。我发觉刘医师的医术更加精进了。我有信心有刘志玲医生的针灸调理,我一切都会好起来。我深深祝福刘医师,医学精进,妙手回春,安康吉祥。祝《欣》能欣欣向荣,大展宏图,前程似锦。
I used to be resistant to acupuncture, afraid of the feeling of a long needle piercing into the flesh, and deeply afraid that if I made a mistake, it would cause damage to my body. I have had frequent migraines since I was about 28 years old, and I used to take strong painkillers to relieve the pain as soon as I have a seizure.
I remember about 14 years ago, when I was 50 years old. My sister advised me not to take too much Western medicine and told me to try acupuncture treatment. She introduced Dr Liu Zhiling, who was a Chinese medicine practitioner in Jurong at the time, and she repeatedly said that Dr Liu's acupuncture skills were very good and not painful at all. I finally plucked up the courage and thought that it would be okay to see Dr Liu first, not necessarily to do acupuncture, but also to take Chinese medicine. Since then, I have been associated with Dr Liu and acupuncture.
Dr Liu Zhiling is very gentle and careful, she is very patient to listen to my problems, and she is also very careful to check the condition of my body. After her detailed explanation and encouragement, I was finally willing to try acupuncture. I remember very clearly on my first day of acupuncture, I was very nervous, and my whole body was tense. Dr Liu used a gentle tone to keep talking to me to relax, while gently using her first needle, second needle .... slowly I stopped being nervous. With the trust I have with Dr Liu, I continued with the acupuncture session a peace of mind and relaxation. After acupuncture, my migraine attacks became less and less frequent. As I used to take a large amount of strong painkillers, I often had stomach discomfort, as well as stomach acid reflux. With Dr Liu’s acupuncture and medication, my spleen and stomach condition has gradually improved. I am very relieved to have Dr Liu look after my other medical conditions, including menopause and panic disorder, which have greatly subsided. Now, Dr Liu has finally fulfilled her dream and opened HTCM Clinic, and I have also come to HTCM to let Dr Liu adjust my gastrointestinal problems. I have confidence in Dr Liu's acupuncture and medical skills, so with her around, everything will be fine. I sincerely wish Dr Liu all the best in her medical refinement, magical hands bringing miracle cure to her patients, good health and well-being. May HTCM be filled with prosperity and success!
卓先生 Mr Toh
In June 2022, I fell while walking on a slippery road in the rain. After two months, my legs, including my upper and lower legs, started to hurt and it was very difficult to walk. Since then, I have been going through physiotherapy, but the pain has not been completely eliminated. In November 2023, I read about HTCM on the internet. Dr. Liu used traditional acupuncture therapy plus internal Chinese medicine to treat me. After several consultations, the pain in my legs gradually disappeared, and I am now able to walk normally and my body has basically recovered. Thank you, Dr. Liu!
何小姐Ms Ho
我因颈部和肩膀僵硬(右肩关节周围疼痛)而去看刘医生。 刘医生的治疗非常有效,我第三次就诊时颈部和肩部疼痛消失了。我有近30年的痛经史,每次来月经疼痛持续3-4天才会消失。每次都需要吃大量止痛药。这次恰逢经期第二天来看诊,刘医师提议先治疗痛经。结果 我接受了刘医师的针灸治疗后痉挛立即明显减轻。当我回到家时,我完全没有疼痛了。而且仅仅做了一次治疗,之后整个经期都没有疼痛发生了,完全不需要服止痛药。我非常感谢刘医师给予我的巨大帮助。 她是一位非常细致且经验丰富的中医医生。
I went to see Dr. Liu with stiff neck and shoulders (pain around the right shoulder joint). Dr. Liu's treatment was very effective and my neck and shoulder pain was gone by my third visit. I have a history of menstrual cramps for almost 30 years, and each menstrual pain lasted 3-4 days even after taking a lot of painkillers. During one of my visits to Dr Liu, it happened to be the second day of menstruation, and Dr. Liu suggested to treat the menstrual cramp instead of my neck & shoulders. After receiving acupuncture treatment from Dr. Liu, my cramp was immediately and significantly reduced. When I got home, I was completely pain-free. And after only one treatment, there was no pain during the whole menses period, and there was no need to take painkillers at all. I am very grateful to Dr. Liu for the tremendous help she has given me. She is a very meticulous and experienced TCM doctor.