患者感言 Testimonial
肾病和肝病 Kidney & Liver Conditions
张先生 Mr Chong
以前我总以为针灸是无效的,当涉及到肌肉损伤时,针灸只是能暂时缓解症状而已。 而在我访问欣中医后,我发觉原来我错了。受损肌肉的肿胀和疼痛可以通过针灸治疗明显缓解,而且几天后肿痛可完全消失而康复。刘医生的独特技术让我大开眼界。除了肌肉损伤修复之外,经过几个月的规律针灸治疗,我的肾功能读数同样有所改善。我相信如果你经常做针灸可以改善你的健康。强烈推荐欣中医给那些想通过针灸寻求中医治疗的人。
I used to think that acupuncture was ineffective and could only temporarily relieve the symptoms for muscle damage. After I visited HTCM, I realized that I was wrong. The swelling and pain of my damaged muscles was significantly relieved by acupuncture treatment, and the swelling and pain was completely resolved after a few days. Dr. Liu's unique skill has been an eye-opener for me. In addition to muscle damage repair, my kidney function readings also improved after a few months of regular acupuncture treatment. I believe that if you do acupuncture regularly, you can improve your health. I highly recommend HTCM to those who want to seek TCM acupuncture treatment.